
Plate heat exchangers are efficient heat recovery units characterized by high energy efficiency and reliable construction. With up to 94% heat recovery efficiency, these units ensure quality indoor ventilation and low operating costs. Plate heat exchangers are ideal for individual houses, apartments, and commercial projects where reliability and simplicity are essential.

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Product Categories

Product Categories
  • Air Handling Units (28)
    • RECOM Air Handling Units (18)
      • Rotary (7)
      • Plate (11)
      • Enthalpy (6)
    • REC Temovex Air Handling Units (5)
    • Filters (4)
      • Recom S/SR/RT Filters (3)
    • Optional Extras (1)





Plate Heat Exchangers - Efficient Heat Recovery Solution

Plate heat exchangers feature a unique construction where heat exchange occurs through special plates. These plates, made from high-quality aluminum or polypropylene, ensure maximum heat transfer between exhaust and supply air flows. The plate construction is designed to prevent air streams from mixing while maintaining efficient heat exchange, which is particularly important for allergy sufferers.

Key Benefits

• Simple and reliable construction without moving parts
• Lower probability of failures
• Simpler unit maintenance
• Low energy consumption
• Up to 94% heat recovery efficiency
• Quiet operation
• Compact dimensions
• Easy installation in limited spaces

Applications and Efficiency

Plate heat exchangers are perfectly suited for individual houses, apartments, small offices, and educational institutions. They become particularly effective during autumn-winter season when the temperature difference between outdoor and indoor air is greatest. During summer, units can operate in automatic bypass mode, allowing night cooling and ensuring optimal microclimate balance throughout the year.

Operation and Maintenance

Proper maintenance of a plate heat exchanger is straightforward but essential for ensuring efficient operation. It includes regular filter replacement every 3-6 months, periodic cleaning of the plate heat exchanger, and fan inspection. It's also important to maintain the condensate drainage system, especially during the cold season.

Installation Features and Energy Efficiency

Professional installation is a key factor in ensuring optimal plate heat exchanger operation. Special attention must be paid to proper unit positioning, condensate drainage system, and duct insulation. A properly installed system not only recovers heat efficiently but also significantly reduces heating costs, ensures stable microclimate balance, and helps avoid heat losses during ventilation.

Consultation and Selection

Each project requires an individual approach and solutions. Our specialists will help evaluate technical possibilities and suggest an optimal plate heat exchanger that meets your needs and capabilities. We provide consultation on unit capacity selection, installation features, and the most effective solutions for your premises.

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