RW45© Sound attenuating transfer units
REC’s air transfer silencer RW45© has a complete solution which meets all acoustic requirements - when there is a demand for high sound attenuation. RW45© comprises a silencer and - for this purpose specifically developed – an air transfer grill for acoustic inner ceilings. RW45© meets crosstalk requirements in the air in all buildings that have up to sound class A. The duct transfer unit has been developed to provide very good sound attenuation with low pressure drop combined with high mounting flexibility, the air transfer unit offers a very good air flow
because of the high free area on the grill unit. REC’s RW45© ensures that you keep the wall requirements for high sound attenuation. RW45© does not affect the total wall Rw and a reduction calculation is therefore not needed. Can be used in schools, offices, hospitals, medical reception rooms, interrogation rooms, public toilets, laundry rooms and other areas where the wall has sound requirements.
RW45© consists of REC’s flexible AKU-COMP A silencer and our acoustic suspended ceiling transfer grill. Thanks to the silencer’s flexible construction, there are several installation possibilities. The unique design of our RW45© makes it very suitable for installation in suspended ceilings.